Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Happy Birthday Today To Still The Greatest Show Stopper In Broadway History!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              The staff of the Playbill website should hang their heads in shame.  Is the entire staff made up of millennials, or younger, who do not know the world existed, before they were born.  Perhaps they need to hire some Aging Theater Queens, to set them straight on what they cannot grasp.  Hell, I am available!  And from the looks of the home page today, there is much they missed.

                                                 Today happens to be Donna McKechnie's birthday.  Wikipedia says she is 81 today, which may be right, but let me tell you,  she  can still  out dance  any Cassie out there.  She could on tonight, and do it  cold!  As an Original Cast member, "A Chorus Line" is in her bloodstream.

                                                   So, a Happy Birthday, and many more to Donna McKechnie!

                                                    I know.   I was there.  I saw.  I will NEVER forget!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!