Monday, November 1, 2021

Happy Honorary Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Betsy Palmer left us awhile ago; if alive today, she would be 95.  And wouldn't we be lucky to have Mrs. Voorhees still with us?

                                         Really, it is a shame Blairstown, NJ doesn't cash in on the "Friday The 13th" fascination.  The diner could feature Pamela Voorhees Specials.  There could even be a "Mrs. Voorhees Cookbook."  What  kind of tasty morsels????? Hmmmmmm......Fried Barry and Claudette??????????

                                            And all due to Betsy Palmer's giftedness as an actress.

                                            Long  gone, never forgotten, Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. That diner is missing a golden opportunity!!
    Blood pudding, anyone??

  2. rocky road ice cream for dessert; so many possibilities!!!

  3. Victoria,
    I have eaten in the diner; I felt
    like I was on a movie set, which, actually,
    I was.

    I agree they are missing out. I love the
    idea of rocky road!

  4. Betsy has turned up twice this past month on the ME-TV and Decades nostalgia channels: both times her appearance was in something so far removed from "Friday The 13th" you'd think it must be an alternate universe.

    First she guested as a cranky old maid in an episode of "The Love Boat"(!), and if that wasn't mind boggling enough the second was in "Love, American Style" as a ghost haunting William Windom. Luckily I had my recorder running on both occasions: definitely curios for the video vault.

  5. My Dear,
    I never knew she was on either show.
    Would love to see it. I knew of her
    for years. But Mrs. Voorhees made
    her one to be remembered.
