Sunday, November 28, 2021

I Don't Think I Have Given An Obit Two Posts!!!!!!!!!!! Here Are Three More Sondheims Too Good To Pass Up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          Larry Kert doing "Maria," from "West Side Story," and then                                                                            both singing "Tonight."  Note the blending of voice and music                                                                once it gets to "Always you, every thought I've ever known!"
                                         "There Won't Be Trumpets," from "Anyone Can Whistle".                                                                               By Lee Remick, darlings!  Who knew??????????????
                                         "Another Hundred People--" Unmatched by Pamela                                                                                        Myers' piercing song.  The greatest song about                                                                                            New York City!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Beautiful, touching posts, both of them.

  2. Victoria,
    Thank you so much. They were
    hard to write, and select. I
    did my best to honor Sondheim.

  3. You did, wonderfully.
    He was Ninety One!!
    He transcended age somehow.

  4. Victoria,

    Thank you so much.
    I never thought he would die.
    He was just one of those people one
    thought would be around forever.
