Thursday, December 23, 2021

Another One I Thought Would Not Die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Not even a month after Sondheim, we lose Sally Ann Howes, and now, today, Joan Didion.  Thriving for years on cigarettes and alcohol, she died this morning at the ripe old age of 87; all the more surprising, as I did not know she suffered from Parkinson's.   Poor Joan.

                                             I may not have been drawn to her work, but I cannot deny the talent she had. And the heartbreak she suffered throughout her life.  It threw all it could at Joan, but still she managed to survive.  How?

                                                For this, and the body of work she leaves behind, she deserves a tribute.

                                                 Rest In Peace, Joan.  You earned it, and your work follows in your wake.


  1. Yes; not a huge fan of her work, but Respect the talent!!!!

  2. Victoria,
    Exactly. She knew her craft,
    and was iconic to some. I have to
    hand it to her. She leaves a substantial
    body of work behind.
