Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Attacked, Last Night, By A Chi Chi Bug!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Girls, I swear to God, I was just settling in my chair, for an evening of reading, when I saw this gigantic thing crawling up the ruffle of the chair!  I mean, it looked like this!  Well, maybe not that big, but it was just as frightening.  I think it might have been a water bug, but it could just as well have been a Chi Chi Bug!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         In 1957's "Rodan," this monstrosity breaks into Kyoto's gorgeous, paneled house, and she and her fiance run into the street, as the villagers pour out of their homes, when he screams there is a monster in the house!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           I swear, this scene was repeated last night.   With me screaming in terror, David came running.  I wanted to throw open the door and scream out the hallway about monsters, but David managed to calm me.  First, he tried a broom, then a flashlight, and finally caught it underneath the table I am now writing on, where he doused it dead with Raid.  Raid? RAAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Just like on the commercials. 

                                               Well, I was done.  I felt uncomfortable all evening.  I feared nightmares or getting up in the middle of the night to encounter a giant Chi Chi  Bug!  Happily, no trouble since.

                                                    But a warning, girls, keep an eye on the living room if it adjoins a neighbor's kitchen!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Trouble could be a brewing.

                                                      That was the first Chi Chi Bug, and, I hope, the last!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. aww yeah they had those bugs in South Carolina.
    They will knock you down and kick you lol

  2. Victoria,
    Yet another reason not to live
    in the South. Bugs really get
    to me. I would rather face
    a lion.

  3. My Dear,

    I wondered about you in that
    neighborhood. This was the first
    time I encountered anything that
    large in all my years of apartment
    living. May I never see a thing
    like that again. Thanks for the
    tips on air freshener and dishwashing
    liquid! "Relaax! It's Palmolive!"
    Who knew?
