Monday, December 20, 2021

Farewell To Autumn....A Confusing Time, This Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Maybe because tomorrow is the First Day Of Winter, and having dealt with Covid for almost two years, it feels like Winter has been here already.  Add to that, Wednesday is The Shortest Day Of The Year, so tell me, girls, which is The Longest Night?????????????????  I hope it is one, where I can sleep till 10AM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        We had some lovely day trips in Autumn, saw "West Side Story," compiled book lists, wrote book posts, watched "All About Eve"--a movie one can always learn something from, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!--but mostly just appreciated each other (David and I) for all the blessings we have, namely us.

                                          Now, it is time to hunker down for the Winter.  

                                          May this season of oft discontent, be white and bright, for  you all!!!!!!!!!!!! 


  1. I know the feeling!!
    Praying for all those who are struggling physically, emotionally, financially, and spiritually!

  2. Victoria,
    As am I. I have some
    neighbors I check in on

  3. That is so kind of you!
    How are they doing these days??

  4. Victoria,
    Our neighbors are doing fine.
    One was recently hospitalized for
    fluid around the heart and lung.
    But she is home, recovering. Many
    of these folk are in their eighties.
    Two are ninety four!
