Wednesday, December 1, 2021

".......Had Just Settled Down, For A Long Winter's Nap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                         Well, darlings, here we are, deep in December.   It is hard to believe how the year has just flown by; that one month from today--David's birthday--2021 will become history.

                                           And yet it will.  Speaking of "long winter naps," this picture pretty much depicts David and I, before putting out the lights.  Except that on my night table sleeps Baby Gojira, and Pippin, who watch over us!

                                              May you all be able to take joy in December.   Along with all else, that is what the month is all about.

                                                 Wishing all my readers a joyous December, and a safe segue into the New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Thanks, I WILL choose Joy in December.
    Today is the first anniversary of my friend’s death from pancreatic cancer.
    Thing is, she would not want me to waste a day being sad.
    She wouldn’t want me to waste a Moment
    🎼Thank you for being a friend...

  2. Victoria,
    My cousin's wife died from the
    same thing nine years ago next month.
    Sorry about your friend. None of those
    who have left me want sadness from me,
    but sometimes one cannot help missing them.
