Thursday, December 2, 2021

I Don't Want To Jump The Gun, But............................


                                              Believe me, darlings, no one more than yours truly has been skeptical about the idea of remaking "West Side Story."  Though I prefer it on stage, I accept the 1961 film as definitive.

                                                Now, this was supposed to be released in 2020, but we all know what happened.  We could not go anywhere.  So, the film was shelved, and I was glad.  I had no faith in the project, and, after being disappointed by "Dear Evan Hansen" thought stage musicals should stop being adapted for the screen.


                                      Earlier this evening, I heard a taste of the 2021 "Tonight," and all I will say is that I was impressed. Really.  I am not hedging my bets, or getting excited, but this just may surpass the low expectations seasoned Theater Queens have for the film.

                                          It is coming to our neighborhood theater, the Alpine.   I will give you a full report, once I go.


  1. Victoria,

    So are mine. After having been so
    skeptical. The musical I would like
    to see redone on film is "A Chorus
    Line." If WSS goes over, maybe Speilberg
    could do that!

  2. Unless a miracle occurs and the Spielberg imprimatur somehow drives a mass audience to pay for tickets, this one is likely doomed to follow "In The Heights" down the rathole of oblivion. Its probable Hollywood and Spielberg misread the cultural tealeaves and made a false assumption the Puerto Rican migration story of the late 1950s would resonate strongly with (and attract) modern urban audiences.

    But given "In The Heights" with all its recent buzz and contemporary Dominican basis was met with indifferent yawns from its target audience, a redundant remake of "West Side Story" will almost certainly go "pfffft" after a couple weeks. Early reviews say it looks fantastic and is well choreographed, and of course its nice they gave Rita Moreno the triumphant cameo role she deserved. Realistically, that isn't enough to draw todays low attention span kiddies: they have no idea who RM even is, and the iconic score will seem laughably dated to a generation that thinks "Hamilton" is the peak of musical sophistication.

    This remake may defy expectations to become a breakaway holiday hit, but I think it more likely to end up next to the remake of "Psycho" on the shelf of misconceived pet projects by legendary directors. Doesn't help that it has the stink of Jersey on it: filmed in Patterson, of all places.

  3. My Dear,
    I saw the film this past Friday.
    There will be a post on it soon;
    here I will go as far as saying
    I was impressed.

    However, you are right about the
    audience it will draw and not
    drawn. That was proven by the
    audience I saw it with and that
    opening grosses were not what was
