Wednesday, December 15, 2021

It Is Not Too Early To Think About New Year's Eve--So Make Sure There Is Veuve Clicquot On Hand!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           Girls, I am telling you; nothing livens up New Year's Eve better than a bottle of Veuve Clicquot!  This is potent stuff, darlings; one glass, or flute, of this, and I am off to Dreamland, Wonderland, or wherever.  For others, it may take two or three flutes; for others still, two or three bottles.  Don't let that money and liquid go to waste, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             I actually prefer this to Dom Perignon.  With 'Veuve', and a television, one can feel themselves in Times Square, from the comfort of their own room, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              That is the way we will do it, this year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I can’t drink because of a medication I’m on, but I really don’t miss it!
    I sure do not miss the headache the next day!


  2. Victoria,
    How true! I am very careful
    with my intake!

  3. Even as a kid, I could see the destructive force that alcohol was to some folks

  4. Some of my family members still have a problem with alcohol.
    Until they accept they they just cannot drink. At All.

  5. Victoria,
    I concur with you. My childhood
    friend destroyed his life with

  6. Victoria,

    Doug would have been 67
    this month. He had so much
    potential. It still makes
    me sad.
