Saturday, December 25, 2021

Not Wanting To Be Outdone, Gojira Wishes All A Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             This has been a busy week, for Gojira.  His cabana is in the courtyard, just outside our apartment windows, so we have seen a lot of hustling and bustling this week. He has been carting gifts and packages to and from the Sisters on Long Island, especially Sister Camille, and he brought them Christmas joy, and, of course, to all the children, because he loves them, and is happiest giving them gifts.  And he always lets them slide down his tail!!!!!!!!!!  Isn't that nice of Gojira????????

                                                He wanted me to post on here to let all know that those on here are not forgotten.  He sends holiday greeting, love, and hope for the New Year!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                     And Baby Gojira, too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. A busy Christmas indeed!!
    What are his plans for New Years Eve!!!!

  2. Victoria,
    Gojira is spending New Years Eve
    with us, he will share our bottle
    of Veuve Cliquot!
