Sunday, December 12, 2021

Oh, My God, Girls, How Could I Have Forgotten???????????????????????????

                                                  The post I am ending with today is where I should have started.  But it has been a busy, and occasionally sad time, so I became flustered, as I was anxious to get the book information out to you.

                                         That said, it is time for us to welcome a new reader, which has not been done in some time.  The follower indicator is now at 118, and I see an unfamiliar name, Kimber Pelsor, so, welcome, Kimber.  I don't know how you found your way here, but, on behalf of my girls and myself, welcome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I hope you find entertainment, amusement, and information in these posts, and feel free, if inclined, to comment on anything along the way.  And this blog goes great, with coffee!

                                              So, a BIG welcome to Kimber, followed by the official induction, via this blog's unofficial theme song.


                                        Welcome, Kimber, and everyone else, as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. It’s all too easy to get flustered these days!
    Hard to think straight sometimes

  2. Victoria,
    Indeed, it is!
    I get days mixed up sometimes!
