Friday, December 17, 2021

Welcome Our New Home Arrival!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             He arrived yesterday, darlings, and isn't he just the cutest?  I finally have my own Cucumbo doll, from "It Conquered The World." Drone not included.

                                               Really, darlings, the things you can find online.

                                             Now, all I need is a Mrs. Voorhees doll.  Complete with machete!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Welcome, cutie!!!
    I have given away SO Many unique stuffed toys over the years.
    My grandchildren are not into that sort of thing.
    I kind of regret it now though.

  2. Victoria,
    I know what you mean.
    I was the king of board games, when
    I was a kid, and now I wish I still
    had some of them.

  3. Marty O49,

    Isn't it! I just love having
    my own personal Cucumbo doll!
