Friday, January 7, 2022

Girls, Join Us Tomorrow Night, As Svengoolie Presents The 50th Anniversary Broadcast Of "Frogs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                            I never saw "Frogs," in 1972.  To think, that was fifty years ago.  I barely remember it.   And I have a feeling that this is one of those movies where the poster will be better than the actual film itself.

                                             It is also misleading.  I expected this film to be a reptilian version of Hitchcock's "The Birds," minus the artistry.  Instead, from what I have gleaned, just about every creature in creation attacks, except the frogs!!!!!!!!!!!!!  And don't, under any, circumstances, confuse this with Aristophanes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 I am sure it is a cheesy piece of crap.  Perfect for Svengoolie.

                                                  I just hope it is campy fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  Join us, and find out, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. Hmm I had never heard of this movie.
    From the biblical plagues I assume?
    What would our modern day plagues be, rats and roaches?
    Pollution? Mold??
    Definitely covid!!!


  2. Victoria,
    I am curious too about this film.
    I think your take on the modern plagues
    are right. Rats just walk by one in
    the subway station. I have actually
    gotten to the point where I think
    nothing of it!

  3. Yup the bar is getting lower and lower.
    My cats are excellent mousers, and they bring us the occasional rat as well.
    They leave them at the back door with great pride.
    We praise them lavishly!!

  4. Boy, was I sorry I didn't hit the "record" button when this came on!

    Dreadfully bad flick, and not in a fun way either (you'll never ever want to hear a frog croak ever again after listening to this movie). But O-M-G, I'd totally forgotten this was Sam Elliott's first film, and good lord is he ever gorgeous in it. One of his very few appearances without his signature moustache: the face is handsome with or without it. Then we have multiple instances of his impressive package being lovingly lit with high contrast key light every time he steps in front of Ray Milland for an argument (what a Levis jeans ad they could have spun off from this potboiler).

    Of course Joan Van Ark was as beautiful as Sam in this, the remaining character actors threw everything they could into their performances, and one roots for a rattlesnake to take out Ray Milland asap and spare us his atrocious attempt at a Southern accent.

  5. Victoria,

    Good for those cats. They are
    doing community service.

  6. My Dear,
    The movie could not make up
    its mind what it wanted to be--
    an ecology horror film, and ersatz
    "Cat On A Hot Tin Roof," or an
    improv class. The creatures out acted
    the humans, and I was even rooting for
    the obnoxious children to get it!
