Monday, January 17, 2022

How Does One Suggest A Makeover To Someone Known???????????????????

                                      David and I have this mutual female friend, who is on a self-improvement kick.  Nothing wrong with that; we can all use it, at one time or another, darlings, but the person in question is talking about a "Julia Roberts workover," and how do you tell someone that, well, Julia had more to work with??????????????

                                       Then, I saw this Dupixent commercial.  This is an asthma medication, but when I the saw the look of the girl pictured, I knew this picture was the perfect look for our friend.  Not just the hair, which, frankly, is where the most work is needed, but the camel haired jacket, white blouse and colored pants are perfect together, and would look great on our friend.  The problem is, I do not want to take on an Eliza Doolittle project, and the friend is not sophisticated enough, and might be offended at our intervention.

                                         But, for those having curly or frizzy hair, this look is perfect.

                                        If I had such hair, I would think about it, myself.

                                        Come to think of it, years ago, I did have a full-length camel hair coat!


  1. I would Love a makeover!!
    Used to watch What Not To Wear all the time.
    Some of the transformations were astounding!
    I guess you never know though; some people might get offended.

  2. Victoria,
    Yes, our friend might get offended.
    In some ways she is a sad soul. I will
    explain more to you in an upcoming email.
