Monday, January 17, 2022

Time To Welcome A New Reader, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 The first month of the year, and already there is a new reader.  Her name, I believe, is Sabrina Drury.  Welcome, Sabrina.  I don't know how you found your way here, but I am glad you did.  I hope you find entertainment and information on here.  With apologies to all, the current world situation allows me less time on here.  I have not posted all 124 books read in 2021, but I fully intend to. I was lucky enough to get the "Mass" posting on here. 

                                                     So, welcome, Sabrina.  Tradition calls for you to be ushered in with the blog's unofficial theme song, so here we go.

                                      Enjoy Deborah Harry, Sabrina, and feel free to drop in here, or comment, any time.