Friday, February 11, 2022

Darlings, Why Can't Our Lives Be An MGM Musical???????????????????????????????


                                  The songs, the clothing, the dancing, the feeling of life being a festival of colors and pleasurable excitement.  I certainly have had my share of MGM moments.

                                    The problem is when Life is not so MGM, I always wish it could be.  That may not be realistic, but, as Blanche Du Bois once said, "I don't want realism; I want magic!" And not the Joan Didion brand of magic either.

                                       Don't mind me, kids, I am just musing.  Maybe because of David's recent, albeit successful surgery, the certainty of the future has me wondering--with uncertainty.


  1. I’m with Blanche! Less reality and more magic please!!
    Maybe I’m
    Spending too much time at the retirement place.
    So much decline and death
    SO much complaining
    Reality is a little too sad for me these days

  2. Victoria,

    So sorry to hear about your sadness.
    I, too, am with Blanche. That's
    why I turned to MGM musicals!

  3. Thanks
    So much sad stuff going on right now
    Trying to focus on beauty, color, fun, joy, humor, forgiveness, magic!!!

  4. Victoria,
    Things like that--and reading books--
    are what help keep me sane!
