Friday, February 18, 2022

Girls, What Was It About The Fifties?????????????? Nice Girls Just Did Not Behave This Way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Hons, if I had done something like this, even dressed like this, my parents would have had it in for me.  Nice girls of the Fifties, and even those of us growing up in the Sixties, did not behave this way, unless one wanted a besmirched reputation.  Of course, if you were a girl brought up in Goat Alley, then this was how you were destined to turn out. Till forty years past and you end up looking like an obese harridan.

                                              Nice girls do what Mama says.  Nice girls wear nice things and marry nice men.  None of this tawdry, two-bit ho' business for us, girls, especially when we have goals in sight.

                                                The woman who graced this cover is most likely now picking spuds out of ash cans on the Sunset Strip!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                     Not us, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                     And this was before the Sexual Revolution of the Sixties!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. I was a nice girl growing up in the sixties lol
    The sexual revolution hadn’t reached Pennsylvania then, I don’t think.

  2. Victoria,
    You grew up in PA?
    Where? It took awhile
    for the sexual revolution to
    reach Jersey, too.

  3. I was born and raised in Lansdale, near Philadelphia.
    We could not afford proper vacations but we did day trips to Sea Isle City or Atlantic City.
    Long before casinos.
    Just the boardwalk and saltwater taffy and frozen custard shops.
    We called it “The Seashore”
    Precious memories!!

  4. Victoria,
    I have heard of Lansdale,
    but not Sea Isle City. Where
    was it? Does it still exist?
