Saturday, March 19, 2022

A Lot Has Happened This Week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Let's start with my visit to the dentist, which, fortunately, I survived.  A new picture to indicate that, since I could not find the old one.  As you know, darlings, I have Dental Anxiety Disorder, so, for me, any visit there is a big deal.  And I will NEVER see "Marathon Man."

                                        I went to the dentist on March 16, which is an important day.  On said day, 59 years ago, I made my First Holy Communion.  A picture of me, going for that Jennifer Jones Oscar gold (and this was years before I had seen "The Song Of Bernadette!") hangs on our refrigerator here.  How far that innocent child has strayed from the path.  Lord, guide me, that I may find peace when the time comes!

                                          This was followed by St. Patrick's Day, which was a really big deal in my childhood, when all the relatives were alive, but less so now.  Nevertheless, David and I, plus Baby Gojira, and our neighbor, also David, whom we had join us, had two loaves of Irish Soda Bread, one thoughtfully given to us by our neighbors, and David made a delicious Corned Beef and Cabbage Dinner, plus homemade ice cream and walnut cookies, which may have done a number on my upper left side end teeth.  Either that, or the pain of the cleaning is starting to show.  But, right now, I feel fine, so I do not think it is too serious.  At least, I hope so!  But it was a lovely way to honor the day!  Remember on St. Patrick's day, EVERYONE is Irish!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              Kiss that Blarney Stone, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             Hey!  Going to the dentist is better than this?  Looking like those two guys from "Deliverance?"  Come to think of it, are these them?



  1. Good on you for dentist visit.
    I’m overdue.
    Hey ease up on yourself; I know all about Catholic Guilt.
    But that is Religion.
    God and Jesus are all about Love and Mercy and Forgiveness!!!

  2. Victoria,
    Thanks for the reminder. I am having
    a hard time right now. Your words are
