Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Blog News!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        No, this blog is not going away--I would not do that to my girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        What is happening is that, on April 4, my darling David, having worked at home these past two years, will be returning to the office.  I am sad, but, even more, worried, what with this Bat2 thing floating around.

                                          However, it will give me more time to write, which means I may be able to revive "Bitch Of The Week," do some book reviews, movies, if I see any, and some true crimes.  There is one I have been wanting to write about for a long time, and I will begin with that.

                                           So, stay tuned, and keep those fingers crossed for both David's health, and mine.  The changes in the blog can only be positive.

                                             "Will I be pretty?  Will I be rich?"

                                                Still waiting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I have missed BOTW!!!
    ID channel!!
    Annoying commercials!
    Neighbor Updates!!
    Dream analysis!!!!

  2. Oh but I DO share your concerns about this new variant.
    This is Not over, I’m afraid.

  3. Victoria,

    David plans on wearing his mask at the office,
    and I won't believe it till it happens. So, we
    shall see. I have threatened to protest by going
    the the Shake Shack nearby and having a vanilla
