Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Four More Days Till Beanie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            A warning to the cast and crew of "Funny Girl--"The Raving Queen is coming for the Saturday matinee, and everyone, by then should have their act together.  I am especially worried, based on footage of what I have seen and heard, and the word on the street is not good.

                                             I am as willing as anyone to give it a chance.  But so far, Beanie's vocals have been sub-par.  And no, it is not about her not being BARBRA, it is about her not having a voice rich and strong enough to handle the demands of the score.  Mike her to the max, maybe?  There is always hope for improvement, but if Beanie continues the way she has, I fear her voice will burn out, as did Madeline Kahn's in "On  The Twentieth Century."  When Bernadette Peters did "Gypsy," back in 2003--my God, 19 years???????-- I feared for her, as in the belting numbers she was just making the notes.  But she survived.  After all, she had more experience.

                                                Not so Beanie.  But I have already heard about vocal problems, so while I am holding out as much hope as anyone till Saturday, my tongue is placed firmly in cheek!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  As the song says,"there's whiskey, there's gambling, each one is a curse!"

                                                  But Beanie is up against "a devil that's worse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


  1. Oh dear. This is what I was afraid of.
    She won’t last, I don’t think.
    Interested to hear what YOU have to say.
    I know you’ll be fair and honest!!

    She did ok in Hello Dolly, right?

  2. Victoria,
    Just two days to go. Yes, I will
    be fair and honest.
