Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Girls Of All Types Can Have Fun At The Beach!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Darlings, these are "1,000 Pound Best Friends," and I am telling you, nothing like these two bathing beauties has ever been seen before!

                                            This should give us all, hope, dears.  Look how stylish and decked out these two look in their bathing suits.  Who knew plus sized could mean fashion??????????????????

                                               Now, I am not encouraging anyone to balloon up.  But, for those already this size, this is proof that going to the beach, looking stylish, and having fun is possible.  And not just for the well built.

                                                  There can be joy in having no sense of shame!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. aww yeah we ALL have our issues.
    My husband has always been brutally judgemental about overweight people.
    Well, since retirement, he has steadily packed on the pounds.
    I don’t know if it’s aging or what; we stay busy and active.
    He is Not the type of retired guy that sits in a recliner all day!!
    Anyway, I hope it gives him a little more compassion and understanding.

  2. Victoria,

    I hope so, too. But I
    found the friends willingness to go
    for it uplifting.
