Saturday, March 26, 2022

Good For The Broadway League!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               I do not like our Mayor, Eric Adams.  I did not like when he was running, I did not like having to vote for him, but then, what choice did I have?

                                                The mayor has further disenchanted me with his deification of sports figures, an overly overt practice in our country.  Actors were included here--so the message is the more famous you are, the more one gets away with.  Should I be surprised?  No!

                                                 But what about the opera?  The ballet?  The NY Philharmonic?

                                                  The problem is with more unvaccinated people running around, the populace is not safe. Adams is a narcissistic opportunist, with no political panache, and should not even be Mayor.  He espouses concern for safety, but not really if he is allowing this slide.  Which could lead to another surge, and possibly another quantitively huge loss of people, resulting in another city shut down.  Oh, well.  As long as sports go on.

                                                    So much for Adams. I want, however, to praise The Broadway League for taking a stand against this, making sure both actors and audiences are safe.  With strong minded people like Patti LuPone in the biz, there is no way they will allow this to fly.

                                                      It is sad that those benefiting from Adams' edict have no conscience, uncaring what they are inflicting not only on each other, but themselves.  If they get hurt, hey, they brought it on themselves, but if the innocent are damaged, there is no excuse.

                                                       Eric Adams preached, and still does, he is all about community representation.  Fine.  But not if the only communities benefitted are those above commonality and yourself.

                                                          Get with the program, Eric!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. As much as I’d love to support a fellow ADAMS, I cannot.
    I’m not even a New Yorker and he gets on my nerves.
    The hypocrisy!!
    and straight-up Dishonesty!!

  2. Victoria,

    I agree with you completely about
    Eric Adams. NYC is getting worse.
    I would stick with Edie Adams.

  3. I know!! Or Amy Adams! Or Cindy lol
    Sheesh Gomez & Morticia would be an improvement at this point

  4. Victoria,

    So would Boris and Natasha!
    Amy Adams, definitely!
