Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Happy Ash Wednesday, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Lent has kicked off, darlings--meatless days, prayer, and abstaining from things like a full meal and desert on this day.  I had a doctor appt. today, so was unable to get ashes, but the meaning of it all is with me--I was raised on it--and it permeates through me.

                                    So, be kind to to others, and respectful to Jesus.

                                     If you need extra help, listen to Sister Camille on Sunday mornings!

                                     To Lent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I was raised Lutheran, so similarities there.
    We’ve cut back on so much, there’s nothing left to give up lol
    Just kidding, I try to stay mindful of spiritual attributes
    I pray to apply Christian principles to my everyday life.
    Patience, Forgiveness, Gratitude, Humility, Endurance,

  2. My biggest challenge right now might be Forgiveness😔

  3. Victoria,
    Self-forgiveness is my biggest challenge.
    I pray every day, and try to light a candle
    in church on a loved one's anniversary.

  4. Yes, self-forgiveness.
    The Bible says, In Christ there is No Condemnation...
    I like that.
    But, it can be a struggle.

  5. Victoria,
    I like that Biblical quote.
    It is comforting and reassuring.
