Saturday, March 12, 2022

Next To Pride Sunday, A Most Important Day For Gay Men--Liza Minnelli's Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Happy Birthday, Liza!!!!!!!!!!!!  Today, she is 76, and the saddest thing about that fact is that she does not seem to dress in Halston red, anymore.  Maybe she is leaving that to someone else--like me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Still, this is a day to celebrate All Things Liza!  Or maybe Christine Pedi, whose impersonation of Liza is more Liza-like than Miss Minnelli herself.

                                            That is why I plan to include in this post two videos, one with Liza, the other with Christine Pedi.

                                               And, like Joan Rivers once said, "What were they wearing?  Those tramps?"
                                               Here is Liza doing her signature "Cabaret!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
                                  I can only bring up 41 seconds of "Telephone."  But you need to see Christine in it, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Happy Birthday, Liza!  Stand on a chair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. She doesn’t wear Halston anymore??
    Well, at least she still has her iconic pixie cut!!

  2. Victoria,

    I cannot be certain, but lately she
    has always been wearing black. I would
    like to take a crack at some of those red
    Halston outfits!
