Saturday, March 5, 2022

Please Don't Kill "Hank, The Tank" Bear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Hank is this season's, West Coast version, of Barney The Bull.  Barney, as some of you may recall, was roaming Long Island, last summer, before being transferred to a wildlife preserve in New Jersey.  But he had fun while it lasted!

                                      Hank seems to be doing the same thing.  He sneaks into people's houses in the Lake Tahoe area in California and helps himself to their food.  He may weigh 500 pounds, but he is so cute, and he has a discriminating palette.  No junk food for him!

                                          And--there has not been one report of him hurting, killing, or injuring anyone.  And yet some people want to kill him.

                                          Well, don't!  Just for helping himself to food?  If Barney, who was no petit thing himself, can be placed in a good environment, so should Hank.  He deserves as much, especially as he has not harmed anyone.

                                               Girls, if you live in Hank's area, this is what I would do.  Go to the refrigerator and set out a nice repast. Cordon off the kitchen from the rest of the house, and just let Hank eat what he wants.  Or, if there is a yard and picnic table outdoors, leave the repast right there.

                                                   I am sure Hank would be grateful.  

                                                    Face it, girls, he's tired of living off nature.  He wants high-end cuisine.

                                                     Which means he should soon be venturing to L. A., San Francisco, and probably New York.

                                                       No, he is not Winnie The Pooh.  But he just wants to have fun!

                                                       Don't we all, girls?  So, give Hank a chance!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. My heart goes out to these creatures
    Just trying to survive
    While we cut down more trees to build more buildings to store more stuff
    So we can throw stuff away and buy New Stuff

  2. Victoria,
    I am with you 100%.
    Keep these creatures safe and healthy.
    My heart goes out to Hank, as it did for Barney!
