Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Time For Us To Catch Up, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        It has been a busy week, darlings, so I have to make the most of my time.

                                       As I reported, David is going back to work on April 4, the Monday after we see

                                     so you know I will give you all a full report.

                                     Meanwhile, I went to the doctor's this week, where I am told I have a "non-alcoholic fatty liver."  Makes no difference; it's still a fatty liver.  I am told two of my meds--Pravastatin and Metformin--both of which I need, for cholesterol and diabetes--are contributing factors.  I have been referred to a hepatologist, whom it is suggested I see.  I will talk the matter over with my sister first.

                                      Suddenly, with age encroaching, and this being Lent, I am filled with spiritual angst--more than the usual.  I am afraid of heading straight to

                                              when my soul departs.  I still plan to watch "The Song Of Bernadette" on Easter.  My therapist suggests I talk to a priest, and he gave me a recommendation.  I will see how that turns out.

                                                  On a happier note, I just finished "Checkout 19," by Claire-Louise Bennett, and while it did not blow me away like "Booth," by Karen Joy Fowler, let me say Bennett does the same thing as Sally Rooney, only better.  Sally I feel I SHOULD read, Claire I want to.

                                                   Still happier, Spring arrived on the 21st, and guess what, darlings?

                                                That is right; Proserpina returned to Earth from Hell; she will be with us for the next six months.   About till my next dental appointment, which is like going back to Hell, too!

                                                    Girls, I am telling you, March has been frantic.  So much so that I forgot--

                                   "in the year of our Lord, 1692, Elizabeth Selwyn was burned at the stake as a witch!"

                                     Talk about March being Lions and Lambs!

                                      Meanwhile, I continue to read, which is a good sign!  Happy reading, everyone!


  1. Please let us know what the priest says!!
    We could All use some encouragement and assurance!

  2. Victoria,

    I promise to give you full
    report. I hope some encouragement
    and assurance comes out of this.
