Friday, April 1, 2022

Girls, Join Us Tomorrow Night, As "Svengoolie" Presents 1935's "Werewolf Of London!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                                     "Walking days sacrificed to science,                                                                                                                 Wicked nights dedicated to death!"                                                                                                                    ----Publicity blurb for "Werewolf Of London!"

                                            Universal's publicity department went all out with this one.  This was called "Universal's Supreme Shocker," maybe because it was their first werewolf movie.  They also asked "Who will dare to see this picture at midnight?," as if it were the scariest thing ever created.

                                              It's not, but it does have a fine cast, good visuals, and a sad ending to rival "Son Of Dracula."  I haven't seen this movie since I was a child, but I can recall crying at the end.  Atypical for a horror movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                Nevertheless, Baby Gojira, Kerwyn, and Cucumbo are really excited .

                                                Oh, here is another set of bon mots from Universal--"The werewolf strikes when the moon is full...and a shuddering world awaits the next victim!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                                   They really knew how to publicize, back then!

                                                    See you tomorrow at 8PM, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. This time I will Definitely be watching!
    I could happily Stay Home every evening and just, read and watch tv and play with the pets and enjoy a leisurely dinner and maybe facetime with my grandsons...
    Wander around outside, chat with any neighbors who happen to be outside...

  2. Victoria,

    Even when I was single, and running
    about, I did appreciate a night when I
    could just stay at home. Now that I am
    older, I appreciate it more.

  3. Me too lol
    As we get older, our definition of “fun” evolves
