Saturday, April 16, 2022

Have A Happy Holy Saturday, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Forgive me for sounding irreverent, girls, because I really do not mean to.  Today is Holy Saturday, which is the calm before the storm of the Resurrection.  It is a day of reflection, as was yesterday, and, dolls, you would not believe the time I had yesterday trying to get in my church visit on Good Friday.  I went to OLA (Our Lady Of Angels), which is nearest our residence.  I expected the church to be empty, or low keyed, with people making their visits.  Instead, I walked into the sermon of a 3PM mass, and, while I stayed and prayed and reflected, I could not help absorbing some of what was said, which is what I do not like about Our Lady Of Angels.

                                      The sermon was very admonishing and punitive, the sort of right wing Old Guard Catholicism my father and his siblings were raised on, and which was passed on to me.  I had enough, but I decided to stay for my own sake, and not let my visit be ruined.  I did notice a neighbor of ours in attendance, and wondered what he thought.  I also kept wondering how different it would have been were Sister Camille D'Arienzo up there.

                                         So, for Easter, I am going to St. Anselm's.  I want comfort, not accusations, in a holy ceremony.  My Good Friday experience was almost ruined for me.  All I can say is good riddance!

                                           Still, I reflected, said an Act Of Contrition, and got what I wanted to out of the visit.

                                              Take pause and reflect, this Saturday, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. ugh don’t you just Hate being yelled at in church?!!
    I’m like, why are you yelling at US??
    We came to CHURCH!!!!

  2. Victoria,

    Exactly! Which is why attendance
    is dropping in droves. But the
    people who go to this particular
    church are Old School, who seem to
    crave this!
