Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Hey, Girls, The Life Alert Guy Is Cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           This may be the case, darlings, but beware the danger lurking.

                                            First, just look at him.  He is certainly a big old bottom, and if that is your thing, dears, then fine.  Just hope he is not too pushy, as sometimes bottoms can be.

                                              Even more threatening is he looks like a closet case, someone who will be alarmed at being confronted with his burgeoning sexuality, but once, there, will not be able to put his clothes back on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  Still, the Life Alert ads do a public service.  Though a couple of the older actors do poor line readings.  I give more of a reaction over a hangnail!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                   Cute is cute.  But remember the saying about mad dogs!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Mother is supposed to be wearing one of those at the retirement place, but she forgets.
    And when she Did fall they just told her to call 911 anyway.
    Really disappointed in that place.

  2. Victoria,

    Such behavior is intolerable.
    I know it would be big change, but
    is there an alternative facility
    available. I don't like the sound
    of that place at all. Such a thing
    never happened at my father's place!

  3. Yup it is inexcusable
    I’m researching new places

  4. Victoria,

    I think that is the best thing you
    could do. What was done there was
    elder abuse.
