Thursday, April 28, 2022

I Don't Know How To Prepare You For This, Girls, But, According To This Book, Jennifer Jones Never Wore Panties!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  This book has been on my waiting shelf for six years, and I finally read it.  It has a big section on Jennifer Jones--one of the biggest--which is why I bought the book.  But I was completely unprepared for the scandalous revelation that she never wore panties.

                                                     Now, for girls and guys, of all identities, including cis-boom-bah, that is no way to live.  Those who don't give the excuse that things need to breathe?  Yeah, well not so much that everyone notices it.  And remember if you lay down with lice, you get up lousy!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                         But, really, Jennifer Jones???????????????????????????????????????JENNIFER JONES????????????  And, girls, what about "on those days?"  How does one get away with it?

                                                           All readers on here are encouraged to wear panties!  Serious consequences await those who don't.

                                                            Let me make one thing perfectly clear.  When Jennifer Jones was before the camera, in "The Song Of Bernadette," a two million dollar plus production, around which she, a novice, was the center, you bet she was wearing panties.  When one is playing one of the holiest  people to walk this earth, they had better be wearing panties.  All that groveling on the ground, digging in dirt, and eating plants?  Without panties, a girl could get an infection.

                                                              So, let me assure you, Jennifer Jones wore panties during the filming of "The Song Of Bernadette."  I mean, a nun minus panties?????????????  And you had better believe the real Bernadette Soubirous was fully dressed--and that meant panties!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                Mother always said to wear clean underwear in case accidents happen!  Now, this post shows what she meant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                  And I am not even talking about DEPENDS!  Which I hope never to have to wear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Not Jennifer!!!
    Thought she was a little more classy.
    Don’t peek behind the curtain I guess...

  2. Victoria,
    Indeed not! And I thought she was a
    little more classy, too! What is the
    world coming to?
