Thursday, April 21, 2022

"Moths, Spiders, Cats, And Things That Creep, In An English Country Garden! Spring Tea Afternoons Each Week, With The Mistress Shirley Pardon!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                             Spring is here, and May is coming, so wouldn't it be nice to have tea on the estate of Miss Shirley Pardon?  Whether in the English Country Garden--preferred--or the front of the estate, where there is more space, I would not have any objections.

                                               My recent post on Nicholas inspired this.  I plan to have tea with him, soon!

                                               Classical music has celebrated this occasion instrumentally, and I plan to convey it here.  It will give us all something to look forward to, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Here we are, loves!  Wouldn't it be simply loverly just to be here?


  1. It’s like stepping into a Monet painting!!

  2. Victoria,
    It certainly is. And I, for one,
    would love to!

  3. Why can’t we jump into paintings like Mary Poppins and Bert????
    And Jane and Michael Banks?!!!!
    How I longed to BE those children

  4. Victoria,

    When I first saw "Mary Poppins," at 9, back in
    1964, I too wished for the same thing. I loved
    the tea pavillion.
