Thursday, April 14, 2022

Two Postings, For The Price Of One!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     When the April 12 subway shooting took place, and the name Frank James finally popped up, I knew I had found my Bitch Of The Week.  What a spectacular return after two years.  Would that it did not happen though.

                                          Because Frank James intruded on not only those directly involved, but the millions of us, including myself, watching this live, and once more having our safety and security trampled upon.  Aside from Frank, I cannot help but feel angry at Mayor Adams; Covid is not his fault, and I wish him well, but he has been saying ad nauseum about how he was going to do something about subway safety.  Hey, Eric, quit talking the talk, and walk the walk.  If this wasn't a wake up call for you, then you have no business being in office.

                                             Someone I spoke with said James will get off on mental illness.  He should not.  Because he very skillfully engineered and planned this.  It was premeditated.  What I want to know is--why Brooklyn?  Why 36th Street, when there are more choice locales?????????  And how dare my personal space, and David's, be invaded like this?

                                                    Here is how it unfolded for me.  David left for work as usual; it was an ordinary morning.  Being a retiree, I usually do not rise until 10AM; after 35 years of getting up at 5:30AM, I feel tired enough to sleep this long, and have earned it.  At 9:40, the phone rang; it was my sister, in Pennsylvania, telling me to turn on my TV.  I did, and became hysterical.  Was David OK?  By the grace of God (and Bernadette, Jacinta, and Mary!) he was on the train before the one involved in the incident.  So, he was safe, at work.  The next problem was, how to get home, which he did by shuttle bus, so what was a stressful day turned out better than it might.

                                                        But my heart goes out to those shot and wounded, hospitalized, as well as those traumatized further by the idea of riding the subway.  It has me even more scared because of this happening.

                                                            I am now calling David every morning, after getting up, just to make sure he got in to work OK.  That is how uneasy I am.

                                                           Frank James, you are a sick bitch, and the first Post Pandemic Bitch Of The Week!  That's the only honor you deserve.  Except a life sentence in prison and making some kind of restitution to the millions you injured with your sick, terrifying deed.  No wonder this city is on edge.

                                                              For sure, Frank James is NO "Frank Mills," darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. What do you take for anxiety?
    I need to get on Something!!
    This feeling of constant physical and emotional unease.
    It’s no way to live!!

  2. Victoria,

    I have been taking klonopin for years.
    I used to take it in the morning at night,
    but with our neighbor situation am taking
    two tablets at night. Only .5mg. But it
    helps me sleep.

    I have noticed of late my morning anxiety
    has surfaced, so it may be time for me to
    speak to the doctor about a higher dose.
    It worked for me.
    And you have my support--it is no way to live!

  3. ugh so the neighbor situation is unresolved.
    What have you tried so far??
    Please be careful; I do not want to see you on an episode of Fear Thy Neighbor

  4. Seems I missed something somewhere: what unpleasant neighbor situation has developed for you, RQ?

    As to the overall crime environment, well, best get used to it: no end is in sight. Mayor Adams has zero control over it: the legislature in Albany literally told him to go eff himself and never again ask them to reverse their insane (nobody gets incarcerated for anything ever) "reform" policies. Dimwit but powerful pols like AOC have already begun undermining and protesting the mere suggestion of a stronger police presence in the subways as (what else) "racist", so thats a non-starter.

    The vast majority of New York voters actively wanted this crime mess, so now we have it and its unlikely to be fixed. Perhaps now knee-jerk voters who clamor for empty dangerous selfish virtue signaling policies over having a practical sane civilized society will finally learn "be careful what you wish for" (alas too late, since permanent damage has now been done).

    Given the last time NYC quality of life descended this low it took from 1964 to 1994 to repair, I don't expect things to climb back back up within our remaining lifespans. Probably never, really: 30 years ago at least we still had a large cross section of working class native New Yorkers advocating for positive change. Today we have no working class: just overflowing housing projects and a contingent of hugely overpaid dingbat transient residents originally from other states (with no clue about how NYC truly works). Not to mention a surplus of hopelessly misinformed collegians threatening politicians with death on Twitter unless they agree to never arrest or prosecute anyone for anything (even after multiple deadly muggings of classmates, Columbia students flatly refuse to allow a police presence in Riverside Park). I swear, I would give up every wonderful advance the internet has brought us in heartbeat if it meant social media (and the outsize power it lends to misguided lemmings) would disappear back into the pits of hell that spawned it.

  5. My Dear,
    We have a neighbor above us who we
    are sure is there illegally. We have
    spoken to him about loud music after
    10PM, and David complained to the management;
    so far we get through the night, though we
    have taken to sleeping with the AC on,
    which drowns out lots of noise.

    It is a shame about the city. I feel
    less safe now, than when I was younger.
    But, then, maybe that is a byproduct of age.

  6. Victoria,
    Yes, it is unresolved, but David
    did make a formal complaint with
    mangement, and we have been sleeping
    well. Though we have taken to sleeping
    with AC on to drown out noise. It helps
    a lot.
