Sunday, May 1, 2022

"All He Ever Needed Was The Music And The Mirror!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                                 Is Nicholas getting ready to do "A Chorus Line?"  Or, like Norma Desmond, is he getting ready for his close-up??????????????

                                                   This shot is so precious!  You can tell Nicholas takes good care of himself, for he and all his fans.   Just like I get ready for the day, so, too, does Nicholas.  This picture was too good not to share.

                                            If only I were there to scratch Nicholas right under his chin.  He loves it!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              And I love him, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              Love to all, from Nicholas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 


  1. LoveLoveLove!!
    I must try that mirror shot with one of MY cats!!
    Will email you if I succeed!!!
