Monday, May 16, 2022

Another Anniversary Indicating Encroaching Age!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Not necessarily a bad thing, darlings, especially as I am lucky enough to have my David!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         But Saturday, May 14, was the day, to the day, of my graduation from Seton Hall University, which occurred forty-five years ago.  Somewhere I have a picture of me taken with my mother, father, and Aunt Kathleen, who was my godmother and the aunt I was closest to.  When I look at that photo, I think what happened to that young man?  And who could have known that, within less than two years, my mother would have been taken from us?

                                           Also, I am amazed to have reached this point.  I recall my father and uncles talking about decades past since their college days, never imagining I would be at that point.  And, here it is, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!  Where did the time go??????????????

                                             And, just for the record, I graduated "cum laude," darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            Things turned out better than I imagined, and may they continue!  But I sadly miss the adults in the photo.

                                               Wonder what they would say to me now????????????



  1. And I do believe your HALF BIRTHDAY is this week!!

  2. Victoria,
    Thanks for reminding me. Yes, it is the
    18th. What aa fast six months!
