Monday, May 30, 2022

Gojira Wishes All A Happy Memorial Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            When I was growing up, Memorial Day was always on May 30.  As I got older it was worked out to be the last Monday in May, which I always disagreed with.  How refreshing that we have a rare REAL Memorial Day, on the actual date.

                                                 Yet it is bittersweet.  Gojira honors all those who fought in wars, but also those victimized in the Uvalde and Buffalo shootings.  If ever today was a time for reflection, the opportunity is not better.

                                                     So, in between cookouts, beach visits, and lazing in the sun, think of all the meanings of the day.  And while we honor those who paid the price, pray that not so many do in the future.


  1. Thanks for saying that.
    When little children are gunned down in their classroom, if that doesn’t make people realize that this country is heading in the wrong direction, I don’t know if Anything will.
    There was actually some sort of nra festival the following weekend, I read.

  2. Victoria,
    Yes, there was an NRA gathering,
    and Trump danced at it! Watching
    the news each night is so upsetting.
