Thursday, May 12, 2022

Kudos For Patti--And Not Just For "COMPANY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                       Patti always stops the show onstage, darlings, but, occasionally she stop it offstage as well.  The latter happened after a Tuesday evening performance of "COMPANY,' when audience members and cast remained for a Q and A session.

                                         Now, girls, Patti tried to be nice.  Spotting two members not properly wearing their masks--one a woman--the actress politely asked them to put the masks over their noses, which is the right way to wear the mask.  As Patti pointed out, how about consideration for others around them?  When they did not comply, she deservedly read them the riot act, and one of the members--a woman--had the NERVE to spew back at Patti, "I pay your salary!"  To which Patti fired back, "You don't pay my salary! Producer Chris Harper pays my salary!"  She also used the f-word  and "bull---t!!!!!!!!!!!"  The two were rightfully asked to leave the theater, and did.

                                             I would like to know who these two were.  The woman is probably a Karen from NJ or Florida--home to many White Trash residents.  As for the other individual, I would like to know more, and these two should be outed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                Now, I can relate to Patti, having worked with the public for over three decades myself.  I cannot tell you how many times disgruntled patrons said to me, "I pay your salary!"  When I got tired of hearing this, I would fire back, "Really?  Well, then, you don't pay me enough!"  That usually shut them up.

                                                   I do not suffer fools gladly, and, thankfully, neither does Patti.  I applaud what she did, and David and I have every intention of masking up at our next Broadway excursion, which should be "The Music Man" in July.

                                                      That will be Summer, then.  And, as my readers know on here, the Summer smiles three times, and the second smile is for the fools, who know too little.  There are many more out there than just those two at "COMPANY." 

                                                         Thanks, Patti!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 


  1. I love it!
    Patti AND YOU taking them down a notch or two!!!

  2. Victoria,
    Absolutely! I concur with Patti all the way!
