Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Something Is Up At The August Wilson Theatre!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            Things don't appear peachy at "Funny Girl."  Last weekend, unplanned, Beanie Feldstein took off the entire weekend.  Those who saw standby Julie Benko, above, are calling her "Broadway's real Fanny Brice."  David and I are so excited we got tickets for the Saturday matinee, August 27, when Beanie plans to be out, so we can see an exceptional performance of this role.

                                             The more Julie performs, the more audiences will want to see her, and not Beanie.  Not since Judy Kaye took over for Madeline Kahn in "On The Twentieth Century"--back in 1978, and I saw Madeline, in previews, and knew her voice would go--has there been such a case of people wanting to see the stand by.  Unless you count Sarah Brightman and Patti Cohenour back in 1988, at "The Phantom Of The Opera."  I made the better choice. I saw Patti.

                                              As reported, I did see Beanie, on April 2, and was disappointed with her.  She made no glaring mistakes, but she was unexceptional in a role that demands so much more exceptionality than she was able to give.   I cannot wait for Julie.

                                              But what is going on with Beanie?  There is this crazy rumor going around that BARBRA was in town over the weekend, and Beanie was scared to go on.  Oh, come on!  Nervous?  Sure!  But not to go on?  Is she a coward?

                                                 I think this indicates what I have said all along.  Beanie finally realizes she is not acceptable, or accepted by the theater community, and never will be.  So, she starts playing hooky.  Maybe she is having genuine vocal problems; I would not be surprised.  But it does not look good for her.  If the publicists come up with some story, and Beanie goes quietly, I would almost expect it, at this point.  Best indicator will be after the TONY Awards.  Time will tell.

                                                    Meanwhile, girls, I am holding out for Julie!  I hope she gets to do the cast album, if there is one!

                                                     Beanie, you're on the wrong stage!  Now, get off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. The stand by becomes the star!!
    I love it!!!

  2. Victoria,
    And there is more. I just found out
    Julie is going on today at the Wednesday
    matinee. What is going on with Beanie?
    No one is saying a thing!
