Sunday, May 1, 2022

"Tra La! It's May!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                                    Yes, darlings, and on the first day of the fifth month--can you believe we are up to number five already? --tradition is followed by playing Julie Andrews' exhilarating rendition of "The Lusty Month Of May" from "Camelot."  I played it for David and I when we first got up, and I will post it on here, for all of you.

                                                 May is also the month of Mary--Fatima happened on May 13, 1917--and the month of flowers.  Things to look forward to, as the weather gets warmer, and the days longer.  And our hopes grow stronger. Let this be a pleasant and productive month.  With plenty of books to read, of course.  And "Svengoolie" is having a "Vincent Price Month."

                                                     So, here's to May.  No one dances around a Maypole anymore, so have some bubbly and dance on your own if you wish.  Meantime, here is the song--

                                          Just listen to Julie trill those notes, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. One of the great Roberts!
    Robert Goulet, Wagner, Preston, Mitchum, Duvall, Redford, Conrad, Altman, Vaughn,

  2. Victoria,
    Don't forget Robert Taylor, and Robert Culp!
