Friday, May 27, 2022

Two Places I Would Love To Relocate To, And They Are Not Far....In Manhattan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Darlings, I learn something new every day!  If I had not read Emma Straub's new book, "This Time Tomorrow,"--which, by the way, is another fine literary endeavor by Emma--for all that I prowled the Upper West Side in my youth, I would never have heard of Pomander Walk, located in the upper nineties.

                                        So, when I read of it, in Emma's book, and saw these pics, I was enchanted.  To hell with the Dakota or San Remo, I want to live in a peaceful enclave, like something out of a book.  And this little spot of heaven is it.  As I posted awhile back, I still have not given up on Sutton Place. Nor have I relinquished my Beekman Place/"MAME" fantasies.  But the exclusivity and almost Victorian country setting so appeals to my aesthetic sensibilities that I could not resist.

                                          Now, don't get your panties wrenched, dolls!  Having posted earlier this week about our ten-year anniversary in Bay Ridge, no one is deserting where we are, at any time soon.  Baby Gojira simply would not have it.  But if one thinks about the future, something Straub's book touches on, Pomander Walk could be a perfect place for two elderly gentlemen such as David and myself.  Wait till he reads this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Now, long before we tied the knot, and going back to when we met, and before, David lived in the West Village.  As many times as this was a home away from home to me, who could have guessed I would have found "the one" there?   But it fits my romantic notions.  So does this space I have been aware of long before I met David, Patchin Place.  Just off of Sixth Avenue, like Pomander Walk, this is an enclosed enclave which is like stepping into another time; in this case 19th Century London.  I have always had my eye on this place, though I have to admit Pomander Walk is prettier.   But, hey, if we could get something on Patchin Place I would not complain a bit.

                                The older one gets, darlings, the more one wants peace.  That's why these enclaves with their period charm are so appealing--the visuals, and the enclosures.

                                  I can see ourselves in either one, though my preference is Pomander.  I have a feeling David will vote for Patchin, due to his years spent in the West Village.

                                    What do you think, girls?  Any thoughts, let me know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Pomander, Patchin, Sutton, Sylvan, you’d add charm and class to Any of these enclaves!!
    Fun to fantasize about...
    I’ll be your upstairs neighbor; I am Very considerate!!!

  2. Victoria,
    I just discovered Pomander Walk
    from reading Emma Straub's new book,
    "This Time Tomorrow." It got me

    Would love to have you join us.
