Thursday, June 30, 2022

Girls, Can You Believe We Are Halfway Through 2022????????????????????????????

                                                        Not only is it the last day of June, darlings, but we are at the mid-point of 2022.  And what a year it has been!

                                                          Hell, what a month June has been. Busting out all over, giving us an interesting TONY Awards presentation, then two slaps in the face, what with the gun laws and the overturning of Roe v. Wade.  I am telling you, I am re-reading Philip Roth's "The Plot Against America," and its prescience is frightening.  You have heard me on how the American justice system needs to be revamped, but I am telling you, darlings, I am thinking of reading up on Constitutional Law or maybe even taking the LSAT's.  Because if a fight is in the offing, I am ready to stand up for my rights.

                                                               These are very troubled times.  But we have to survive.  If we do not stand up for ourselves, who will?  So, I am urging all on here, I hope you voted yesterday, and whatever else the year brings, fight for your rights, and cherish even more the joyful times that still come our way, and I hope will continue to, for the rest of the year.

                                                                  This has not been an easy first half.  Add on the previous two years, and that is a burden.  But we are still here, and we will survive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                    Don't forget girls, "all those lives to live, all that love to give!"