Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Happy Pride Week, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                   June is just whizzing by girls.  Bloomsday, my niece's birthday, summer arriving, and, with yesterday, the start of Pride Week.

                                                     This may sound ironic, but this year it seems we should be more proud than ever, because there is more to fight for than has been in recent years, thanks to the rise of Fascism in America. Don't believe me; pick up a copy of Philp Roth's "The Plot Against America," and read it.

                                                        I am not about to stop the celebration, darlings--bare your chests, wear that drag, be as flaming as all get out!  I plan to, darlings.  Or maybe I will just stay home, and watch Ann Blyth and Joan Crawford duke it out, in "Mildred Pierce!"  Definitely low key this year.

                                                         And for those at the big Sunday bash in Manhattan--be very aware of your surroundings.  Between Covid and rising anger over the quality of life in this city, I fear something could happen, not might, but could.  Which is why I intend to avoid the hoopla.  For those of you going in my place, please be careful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                               One has to be alive, to be proud!  Stay both, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Exactly. At some point you ask yourself if it’s worth the risk.
    I wasted too many years feeling left out, wondering what “people” did that was so much “fun” and clearly better than MY boring life.
    I finally realized I didn’t NEED conventional “fun” as in loud parties, lavish vacations, or amusement parks.
    I like “what the simple folks do”!!!

  2. Victoria,

    As do I. Oh, it was fun when young,
    but not only have I changed, so have the times.
    And they are very scary, indeed.

  3. Exactly. Gone are the days of innocent fun.
    Even NAUGHTY fun didn’t usually threaten our LIVES!!
    I mean, this country was always into guns, but I don’t recall any mass shootings when I was growing up.
    Also drugs; I was aware that people used, but never heard of an overdose death.

  4. Victoria,
    Neither did I, to both your points.
    David says, and I agree, that Covid has
    affected the country detrimentally. I am not
    saying there aren't other factors, but had there
    been no pandemic, things might have been easier.
    Less violent, perhaps, with folk like me afraid
    to get on a subway and go anywhere!
