Saturday, June 18, 2022

The "Funny Girl" Saga Continues!!!!!!!!!!!!! Imagine If Either Of These Two Ladies Were Cast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 I still think Michael Mayer and staff are going to make another big mistake, and go with that overaged has-been, Lea Michele, instead of the two pictured here, Lindsay Mendez and Jessie Mueller.

                                                   Jessie may not want to be released from "The Minutes," in which she currently appears.   I don't know what Lindsay is up to, but should she be offered "Funny Girl," if I were she, I would think twice about turning it down.

                                                     But this would be casting for art, not money, and Lea to producers means money.  She will end up getting cast, and once the "Glee" crowd stops going, what will happen?  Will the show continue?  Or, most likely, shut down?

                                                       I prefer Lindsay and Jessie.  They could keep the show going on artistic prowess, which is what Theater Queens, who care about such, prefer, to temporarily profitable--emphasis on temporarily--ex-"Glee" alums.

                                                          Here are two examples of Jessie and Lindsay. These are VOICES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Here is Jessie singing "People."

                                 And here is Lindsay, doing "Bless The Lord," from "Godspell."  Listen to the final notes of she and Jessie!

                                      THEY are what "Funny Girl" badly needs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Several “Glee” alums have died; coincidence??

  2. Victoria,

    I am not sure, but ir certainly
    is errie.
