Friday, June 17, 2022

Wishing Dr. Fauci A Speedy Recovery!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Dr. Anthony Fauci is a living saint.  He is the one who kept so many of us aware and safe during the Covid pandemic, which is still going on, by the way.

                                           Now this savior has the illness himself.  Though I am sure it is a milder one, since he, like most sensible folk is vaxed to the max.  How he contracted it I cannot tell you, but I do wish this man a speedy recovery. And don't use him as an excuse for not getting vaxxed--I had Covid, and so did David, and that was before there was anything.  So, I know what it is like--unsettling and unpleasant.

                                                Get well, Dr. Fauci.  I am sure he will, but let's face it, at 81, there is more reason to worry.

                                                 I continue to stand by anything Dr. Fauci says!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Oh no, not Doctor Fauci!!
    Well, I have confidence he will come through this just fine.

  2. Victoria,
    I do, too. He and Sister Camille are
    the champions of our society!!!!!!!!!!

  3. They really are!!
    We NEED such wise, stable, trustworthy people!!
