Tuesday, July 26, 2022

A Little Known Fact About The Movie Poster For Hitchcock's "The Birds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                               Now, I am sure we have all seen this poster countless times and have wanted it for ourselves.  I mean, girls, who wouldn't?

                                  Looking at it now, I am sure everyone out there takes for granted that the woman being attacked in the center, is 'Tippi' Hedren.  It would seem to be a replica of the scene where she is attacked by birds in the attic, near the climax of the film.

                                   Reading up on this film, I discovered the aforementioned not to be.  The woman pictured, it turns out, is not 'Tippi' Hedren, but Jessica Tandy.  True, it does not much look like her, but think about the scene in the Brenner house, where the sparrows come down the chimney, into the living room.  At one point, Tandy's hair gets undone like this, and she assumes this position.   

                                     Or did she just inspire the pose, and they drew on 'Tippi's' face????????????

                                     On matters like this, I believe what is said.  So, till proven otherwise I inform you all the woman in the poster is Jessica Tandy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        But I still want 'Tippi's' green outfit, and fur coat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. That movie did a number on poor Tippi, I read.
    Not just the actual birds but creepy Hitchcock himself.

  2. Victoria,
    Yes, I read so, too. His behavior
    ro her amounted to a sexual predator.
    Hitchcock may have been a screen genius,
    but as a romantic partner---Ugh!!!!!!!!!!

  3. And he got away with it!!
    I guess they all did back then.

  4. Victoria,
    Absolutely. There was Harvey Weinstein
    before there was Harvey Weinstein!

    Did you know Arthur Freed put the make
    on both Shirley Temple and her mother?
