Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Darlings, What Can I Say? The Computer Died!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Actually, it was the hard drive.  It died a week ago Monday morning, and, girls, I am telling you, I am so sorry for being off so long, and missing you all.  So, what have we missed?  A lot, and I will do my best to catch up to you, as well as post any new ideas which may surface.

                                 Heaven help dead computers!  They should not be allowed to die.  Having grown up in a world where they were just fantasies, I now find myself screaming how I cannot live without one.  I never thought I would become this.  I mean, now it informs my world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  While I inform you of mine.  

                                   As I have heard it said, "put some gratitude in your attitude."

                                  I have a lot of both, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. haha I’ve become all too dependent on my iphone
    I did NOT see it coming

  2. Victoria,
    You and I both grew up before all
    these devices, and we were fine.
    It is amazing how we attach ourselves so
    quickly to even the mechanical.
