Monday, July 4, 2022

Dexter Enjoys A Quiet, Contemplative Vacation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Our lovable friend, Dexter, is vacationing in Connecticut, and he looks he is enjoying some relaxation away from the city.  He deserves it, too, so we are very happy for Dexter.

                                            You see, darlings, dogs (I am not sure about cats!) are bothered by the noise of the fireworks on this evening. So, Dexter has gone off to somewhere so he can avoid all that.  I am sure it was his idea, and I am sure he is the one who got himself there.  Dexter is a very handsome and resourceful dog.  As well as the sweetest, most affectionate dog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                Happy July 4th to Dexter in Connecticut!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I visited Connecticut once, when the children were small.
    We took a TRAIN!! So fun!!

  2. Hey, Victoria,
    Sorry been off here.
    Had Dr. appt--AOK--but
    anxiety over two friends--
    one my age, literally, we
    are born on the same day
    and year--battling cancer.
    Feeling better today though,
    concerned for both.

  3. Victoria,
    Thanks so much for your
    support and comfort!
