Wednesday, July 6, 2022

I Want A "Deadly Mantis" Doll And Playset!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Forget "The Beginning Of The End," darlings, everyone here is getting all psyched up for "Svengoolie's" Saturday night showing of one of my favorite monster movies, 1957's "The Deadly Mantis."  As soon as I heard it was to be shown, I made sure David makes a tape of it, as we are seeing "The Music Man" on Saturday, and, with dinner, may not be home in time for the start.

                                            But just look at the doll.  The real thing!  And the playset.  I wonder what it comes with?  It almost does not matter, because the box cover replicates the movie's famous poster, one of the greatest ever designed, especially with the ominous words, "This Was The Day That Engulfed The World In Terror!"  Hey, that could apply to today.  A deadly mantis would be a piece of cake, compared to the Deadly Demise Of Democracy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 Whatever, the movie is campy fun, with TV's "Peter Gunn, Craig Stevens (husband to future "Follies" star and TONY winner, Alexis Smith) in the lead.  But the cheesy mantis effects steal the show!!!!!!!!!

                                                  David is putting up a fuss about the doll and playset!  Come on, girls, tell him I should have each!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                     Even my therapist said so!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Oh you should Definitely add those to your collection!
    I used to have quite a few unusual stuffed animals, including a praying mantis!!
    It’s long gone; when my husband decides to declutter, somehow it’s always MY stuff that gets donated!!

  2. Victoria,
    Isn't that always the way?
    I think the doll and playset are
    cute; I was two or three when the film
    came out, so by the time I knew about
    the movie, they were off the market!
