Friday, July 29, 2022

When The Family Annilhator Is Female, It Seems Doubly Bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Medea started it all, darlings.  Once, I used to write about all sorts of crime cases on here, but the ones that get me of late are the family annilhators.  And while John List, on November 9, 1971, set the gold standard, the last crime I covered on here was the Hart family murders, where a lesbian couple, Jennifer and Sara Hart, killed themselves and six children by driving off a 100-foot cliff in Mendocino County, CA, on March 26, 2018.  Family annilhation and females are certainly ramping off.  Remember "The Perfect Nanny," by Leila Slimani, published back in 2016?

                                       On Tuesday, July 26, the bodies of four people were found murdered in a house in Danbury, CT.  They were found by the husband of the mother, though it was not clear if he was living with them.  But the mother and children lived with others in the house, who were not home at the time of the incident.

                                          The mother, Sonja Loja, 36, from Ecuador, had been running an illegal day care center for several years.  On the day of the incident, she phoned clients to say she would not be able to care for the children that day.

                                           She went on to strangle all three children, Junior Panjon, 12, Joselyn Panjon, 10, and Jonael Panjon, 5.  Then she went into the backyard shed to hang herself, where she was eventually found.  The children were discovered first, inside.

                                             When I first heard the story, I, of course, thought first it was the husband.  But as the tragedy unfolded, it left me wondering.  When Loja started on one of the children, why didn't one or both of the others run out into the street, screaming for help?  They might have been able to save themselves.  What could have possessed the mother to do such a thing?  This was not just being a bitch, like Casey Anthony, but I suspect rage over something built up over a period of time.  Fine, so kill yourself, not the children!  This reminds me so much of Susan Smith, back in 1994; those children did not have to be killed, because her husband, David, said then, he would have taken them.  I am sure Loja's husband, or family, would have done the same, so there was no excuse for harming those children.  It is too bad Loja did not survive; there might eventually be answers, not to mention I would love seeing her prosecuted and put away for life.

                                                 Meanwhile, three innocent souls are dead, presumably being cared for by the angels.

                                                   How much more?  When does it stop??????????????????





  1. I had the exact same thoughts and questions

  2. Victoria,
    These cases are so tragic, because
    in some ways they could be prevented.
    I hope to find out more about what
    triggered this poor woman to do
    what she did. Killing herself is
    her personal choice. But the children?
