Monday, August 15, 2022

For Once, I Am Actually With Lin- Manuel Miranda On This!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       "Hamilton" just did not do it for me, or David.  But that does not mean others should not see it, nor that it can't be recognized as a well-crafted theater piece.

                                          In light of recent events, I am with Miranda on this.  A church in McAllen, Texas, on August 5 and 6, performed a very different enactment of "Hamilton."  One that was laced with right-wing rhetoric, anti-abortion and anti-gay references, all in complete opposition to what the piece is.

                                           I have several questions.  How rights were given so freely to this church, named The Door, to perform this, as it is still running on Broadway.  The church officials knew from the start what they were going to do, so they are duplicitous at best.  But what surprises me the most, is where did a group of right-wingers find those creative enough to rewrite the lyrics and such?  The IQ of a right winger or White Supremacist is not very high, so how were they able to pull this off?  I could see the "South Park" people doing some kind of riff--but not this one! --on "Hamilton," and its phenomenal status, but hey, Trey Parker and such have creativity.  And they are not like those in McAllen.

                                             Oh, and get this, after the performance, the pastor delivered a sermon, linking homosexuality to drug addiction!!!!!!!!!!  Come on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             So, Lin, I hope you and your lawyer nail these bastards.  I am all for artistic freedom, but not artistic desecration.

                                               It is similar to when the Pieta was desecrated at the 1964 New York World's Fair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Oh I saw that!!
    I mean, did they really think they could get away with it?!!
    Or was the whole point To Get Attention...

  2. Victoria,
    Maybe attention was the point.
    But that a group like this could mount
    something this ambitious sounds incredible
    to me.
