Saturday, September 10, 2022

A Demon Prowls The Backstage Aisles Of The August Wilson Theatre--And Its Name Is Lea Michele!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        No, I have not been yet, girls, though I plan to.

                                       But first, I want to welcome Tovah Feldshuh.  Whom we last saw on Broadway in "Pippin," on my birthday, back in 2013.  Can you believe that was nine years ago?  Almost a decade, darlings!

                                        Let's get back to Lea.  Now, she might not be the devil, literally, but first, you can bet she sold her soul to Satan, and Michael Mayer, to get the part.  She trolls the backstage aisles, which she can at least fit between, as she is not grotesque like Beanie Feldstein--marching up and down, declaring to one and all, "I am the new BARBRA!  I am the new "BARBRA!  Hell, I am BETTER than BARBRA STREISAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                          That's right!  Lea has as high an opinion of herself as the average high school Mean Girl.  Except she has not emerged from that stage, yet.  I am sure cast members, save Tovah, are terrified of her.

                                            As for her performance, as a Theater Queen, -- and who is more particular about how a show is performed than one of us? -- I have to say she leaves a lot to be desired.  First, from what I have observed, she does the show like she is on speed.  She sings the songs as though the orchestra is struggling to keep up with her frenetic pace.  What's more, and I heard this in the line "A thousand faces" in "I'm The Greatest Star," she does said line with the EXACT phrasing of BARBRA.  This is blatant imitation, not bringing something of oneself to the role.

                                             Because she has no self.  Does she have a soul?

                                             Now, get this, the drama is not yet over.  After the opening furor, she allegedly crashes, due to Covid.  Thank God Julie is there to fill in for her.  To the audience's advantage, let me tell you.  Julie and Tovah--what a combo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              Lea's machinations have even Eve Harrington beat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               To be continued, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Let me guess, is she sooo devastated about having to take more time off...

  2. Victoria,

    Of course not! My guess is she does
    not have the stamina she thinks she has,
    and needs to tone her performance down a notch.

    Meanwhile, just more exposure for Julie, the
    actual savior of the show.
